About Us About Us

Why Columbia?

Columbia College is an ideal destination for those looking to enrich their lives and start or further their higher education. Our dedicated staff provides everything you will need for academic success, and due to our comparatively smaller class sizes, you'll be able to fully utilize their time and develop one-on-one relationships. And given our location around San Diego Reservoir from which wooded foothills join the rugged majesty of the Sierra Nevada, you'll be taking the next step of your academic and professional career surrounded by a unique and picturesque setting.

Mission Statement

Centered in the Sierra foothills, Columbia College offers students of diverse backgrounds many opportunities for discovery and success. Through a supportive and engaging learning environment, students master foundational skills, explore their passions, attain degrees and certificates, and pursue career and transfer pathways. We collaborate with surrounding communities to cultivate intellectual, cultural and economic vitality. Columbia College inspires students to become inquisitive, creative, and thoughtful life-long learners.

Reaffirmed by Columbia College Council on February 3, 2023
Approved by the YCCD Board of Trustees on March 8, 2023

Vision Statement

Columbia College - the college of choice for transformational learning in the Sierra foothills.

Reaffirmed by Columbia College Council on February 3, 2023
Approved by the YCCD Board of Trustees on March 8, 2023

Core Values

The Columbia College community is committed to following a set of enduring Core Values. These values are focused on the development of a sustainable institution and serve to guide the institution through changing times and shape our Mission, Vision, and Goals.

Academic Excellence and Success:
We value high quality education via a robust curriculum designed to meet the career and transfer needs of our community. We provide effective learning experiences ranging from in-person to online offerings. We equally value an environment of academic success and wellness for all of our students through effectively integrated in-person and online support services.

Learning and Growth:
We value and promote creativity, innovation, experimentation, critical thinking, and diverse perspectives. We celebrate the strengths of both in-person and online learning in helping our students fulfill their goals. We value learning and the pursuit of knowledge as lifelong processes of transformational personal and professional growth.

Assessment and Improvement:
We value continuous improvement through the assessment of student learning outcomes, program effectiveness, and our decision-making processes. We use the results of these assessments to pursue improvements in our curriculum, programs, practices, and student outcomes.

Access for All:
We value our role as the sole higher education institution in our area. We assist all members of our community to gain access to higher education and to achieve success in their chosen endeavors. We recognize a successful community includes all races, ethnicities, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, languages, geographical origins, genders and/or sexual orientations who bring their personal knowledge, background, experiences and interests for the benefit of all.

Community Support:
We value the support provided to Columbia College by our community, including students, parents, civic and educational leaders, businesses, and industries. We support our community by hosting educational events, serving on advisory boards, and providing educational programs leading to strong careers.

Collegiality and Professionalism:
We value working in a collaborative and inclusive manner to meet the holistic needs of our diverse student population. We value kindness and respect in all our interactions. We value the individuality and uniqueness of each member of our campus community. We support, promote and demonstrate understanding, empathy, transparency, civility, cooperation, and acceptance.

Campus and Environmental Sustainability:
We value and strive to preserve the unique environmental beauty of the Columbia College Campus and welcome all diverse populations into a safe and pleasing location. We value our living planet by accepting responsibility and adopting practices to protect the environment for future generations and sharing these values with others.

Participatory Decision Making:
We value participatory decision making that provides each of us the opportunity to contribute ideas, bring forth concerns, and explore options in developing consensus. We value the roles of our leaders and representatives, share with them our impressions on matters of importance, and trust them to carry our input forward for discussion and consensus building.

Civic and Global Awareness:
We value civic and global awareness of contemporary issues. We challenge students and one another to think critically with diverse, equity-minded, and social justice perspectives. We promote the understanding and betterment of society and our world by engaging our students, staff, and surrounding community in meaningful discussions and activities.

Institutional Wellness:
We value an institutional attitude and culture that promotes and supports total health and wellness of students and employees.

Revised by Columbia College Council on April 15, 2022
Approved by the YCCD Board of Trustees on March 8, 2023

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