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Local Scholarships

The Columbia College Foundation works with dozens of community donors to offer scholarships and awards to Columbia College students. Scholarships and award opportunities are available for students in all fields of study. GPA and other selection criteria vary. With our online scholarship application, students can apply for more than 80 opportunities with one online application.

Spring 2025 Scholarship Application

If you are a current Columbia College student click the button below and use your college e-mail address to log in. There are opportunities for all Columbia College students, in all fields of study. GPA requirements vary. Most awards are paid in Spring 2025.

Questions? Call the Columbia College Foundation at (209) 588-5065

Apply by Feburary 4, 2025!

NEW - The Amy Nilson Completion Scholarship - This scholarship is in honor of the retirement of the Columbia College Foundation Executive Director Amy Nilson, and is intended to enable Columbia College students to complete their chosen certificate or degree at Columbia College. This scholarship will provide 20 awards of $1,500 this academic year. Requirements: students must be able to show that they are within two semesters of completing their educational goal at Columbia, and that a scholarship will help them with their next step in education or chosen career.  Students must demonstrate recent record of progress.  Scholarships will be awarded in January of 2025 and will require that students submit a graduation application.

CCC Finish Line Scholarship now at Columbia! The  CCC Finish Line Scholarship is a significant opportunity to help Columbia College students who are at least halfway to their educational goal at Columbia and can complete their desired certificate(s) and degree(s) if they attend fulltime over the next one or two semesters. The Columbia College Foundation is offering 20 awards of $2,500 per semester , in partnership with the California Community College Finish Line Scholars program. Requirements: Have a cumulative GPA of 2.5, qualify for California Promise Grant fee waiver, at least halfway to desired goal of a certificate and/or associate degree, enroll fulltime (or equivalent) during period of support. Financial need will be considered.

Help for Applicants

For hands-on assistance with your Columbia College Scholarship Application:
  • Welcome Desk (Student Ambassadors) - Upper Manzanita Lobby - (209) 588-2194
  • Career & Transfer Center staff - Upper Manzanita - (209) 588-5273
  • Academic Achievement Center - Upper Tamarack - (209) 588-5088
  • For additional information, contact the Foundation office via email at or call (209) 588-5065.